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Azienda Agricola Isola Augusta


Friuli Latisana


Azienda Agricola Isola Augusta
di Massimo Bassani
Zona Doc Friuli Latisana
Casali Isola Augusta, 4
33056 – Palazzolo dello Stella (UD)
Phone: +39043158046

The idea of producing high quality wines came from my father Renzo Bassani, to whom I am grateful for having left me this small but valuable jewel which is now Isola Augusta.

The mild climate, due to its short distance from the sea, and the natural lay of the land, have made it possible to achieve such result in this area of the Riviera Friulana and to obtain a range of highly selected quality wines: quality, not quantity, and the production of honey and olive oil.

The Isola Augusta farmstead was established some centuries ago and it became property of the family only in the fifties.

I am proud to introduce this modern but also ancient unit, which reveals genuine and traditional values.

I hope to have the opportunity to personally welcome you.

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