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Casa Girelli S.P.A.



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http://www.canalettowines.com/ +++ Viale Verona 182; 38100 Trento; ITALIA; Tel +39 0461 380 800; Fax +39 0461 380 846; E-mail: info@casagirelli.it +++ Canaletto is a rare breed of wine – a brand that can unlock the mystery of Italian wine. Italy makes some of the world’s finest, most diverse, interesting and delicious wines, but Italian wines can be quite confusing to understand. We carried out market research in order to understand exactly what the wine drinking public wanted from an Italian wine. We found that people would like the following: A wine that is authentically Italian – that Italians drink in their own home. A wine that that is not overly fussy, but is smart enough to take to friends. A wine that is interesting, yet easy-to-understand and approachable. Canaletto offers: Reassurance – the Canaletto brand represents quality Diversity – under the same brand, wine drinkers are able to discover Italy with this a wide selection of styles from several different regions. Authenticity – Canaletto is a wine of provenance, each wine displaying the characteristics of its grape variety and region of origin. Approachable – Canaletto wine demystify Italian wine, giving a clear message about the style of wine inside the bottle. With the new Canaletto range, we are therefore happy that we have met the wishes and demands of today’s wine drinkers. However, each wine has a completely individual style: Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, with a rich and full flavour Nero d’Avola Merlot di Sicilia, soft and voluptuous Pinot Grigio delle Venezie, elegant and fruity Pinot Nero di Pavia, delicate, yet full-flavoured Muller Thurgau Trentino, fresh with intense fruit Primitivo di Puglia, rich and velvety Salento Rose di Puglia, refreshingly fruity Mi_Z 2010/01/20

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