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Azienda Agricola DIEVOLE SPA




Azienda Agricola DIEVOLE SPA
- Località Dievole 53010 VAGLIAGLI (Siena)
e-mail: info@dievole.it

The Dievole estate lies 12 km northeast of Siena, 1 km away from the hamlet of Vagliagli.

From North: drive on the highway A1 and exit at FIRENZE CERTOSA. Keep on driving on your right towards Siena and exit at SIENA NORD. Turn left towards CASTELLINA IN CHIANTI (SS222) and after a few kilometres you’ll find the mark to Vagliagli. Take the way to Vagliagli (SP102) and carry on for about 10 kms.

In the eleventh century man created Dieulele - and Dievole, in a rare symbiosis, created man. "Vinizio, son of the late Sichelmi, and Rodolfino, son of the late Ardimanno" were born to a strongly defined sense of purpose: Dieulele - the divine valley. That very century the Chinese discovered gunpowder and the Icelander Leif Erikson discovered North America.
It was the year 1090, on 10th May: Dievole's first two vintners pay six "Denari Lucchesi", two capons and three loaves of bread for the promise of the divine: the yearly rent for a vineyard of Dieulele. The human and the divine. One part of Dievole is over nine hundred years old. Another is still unborn. Bringing them together has made the single elements stronger. The “Denari Lucchesi” were found in 1998, reproduced in silver and reintroduced on only 9000 prestigious bottles of Novecento Riserva.
Going back to the native Dievole-vintners and to Tuscany's native mother vine population has been Dievole's biggest step forward. Departing from the past and lifting wine to its highest levels, the greatest risk is not to risk, the greatest courage is the courage to err.
Relying upon all its strengths, courage and risk flourish perpetually in Dievole. 2006 marks a year of spiritual renewal. It is the year in which Dievole has changed direction, blending certainties and dreams, drive and passion, taken risks. Each person changes and redefines himself, thereby creating an overpowering momentum, a new paragon, and the inevitable goal: Quality.

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